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Medicinal Quality Essential Oils and Premium Natural Products Since 1993

Sound, Light and Aroma

The idea of using sound, color and aroma together is exciting and compelling. Since sound and color can be replicated with precision, my focus turned to aroma. feeling that I needed to explore it on a more personal level. I was instinctively drawn to the natural aroma of essential oils. We partnered with the Oshadhi brand and printed 300 copies of our first aromatherapy catalog. This was before the internet, so we placed classified ads in magazines offering a copy of our catalog. Next, we began to source our own oils, offering them under "The Apothecary" label. Then, in 1997, a friend came across a bookmark with the name IMANI and felt compelled to give it to me. When I saw it, I immediately knew that it was the perfect name for our own essential oils. From that moment, our vision became clear.

Imani means Faith

The name inspired the best in us! It helped us to see our business as a lifestyle flowing from our deepest beliefs. We began to focus exclusively on medicinal quality essential oils from organic and wildcrafted sources.