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Your orders help make the world a better place!
Proceeds from Imani orders have funded several projects in Burundi, Africa.

Rabbits for Widows

In March 2024, we were able to supply 150 rabbits to 75 widows in a new project encouraged by the Burundian government to help develop a sustainable source of food for those in rural areas.

Flood Relief in Burundi

Food and supplies for flood relief - April 2023

Goats for widows

Supplying widows with basic household goods for several years, purchasing goats in 2022 to help support needs for a longer term.

New Water Well

Completed October 29, 2022
Salomon, our friend and liaison in Burundi, coordinates these projects. Together, we have refurbished several wells that now provide fresh water to thousands of families in the region.


It warms our heart!
We have an opportunity to meet a need in Burundi, Africa. Numerous civil wars over many years have resulted in a large widow population. We have a friend named Salomon, who is a native of Burundi and organizes gifts of food and clothing to a group of 104 widows, from his small hometown. Over the years, this gift includes: 10Kg rice, 10kg beans, 2Kg cooking oil, 1Kg salt, 2Kg sugar, 5 bars of soap and one item of clothing for each widow.

Our friend Salomon

Our Burundi liaison
We have been blessed to support the family of Salomon Ntibaharire in his efforts to transform the country of Burundi from violence and retaliation to forgiveness. Salomon's vision is focused on educating and sharing the forgiveness that he has experienced in Christ as a way to break the cycle of violence. He knows this firsthand from having lost family members in tribal conflicts growing up.

Thank you!